Thursday, August 20, 2009

Again - (an old one edited - does not reflect current state of mind at all!)

I did not know it would come to this
A song of separation.
Tossed by love and dreams
I am so lovesick it hurts in the gut.
And gut is the depth I cry from
as an old lesson is learnt afresh:
a watched phone does not ring.
I did not know I would be washed
ashore again,
my love slapping me
on another rocky shore.
A cliched nayika of padhams
was the last role I wanted, but
I do it so well: I wait, I long,
I cry and I am alone,
except in my dreams.


Suthradhara said...

my favvvvvvvv

Anon said...

I love this.. and I feel it in my gut now.. washed ashore.. fooled again. life!

Anon said...

I love this.. and I feel it in my gut now.. washed ashore.. fooled again. life!